Monday, April 11, 2011

We've got you covered
Winnipeg fashion part 1: intro

Staying fashionable in a city with weather, about as stable as a mentally-ill homeless person can be difficult. Actually, “difficult” isn’t quite the word that we’re looking for. “Near impossible” is more appropriate. Throw in a tight budget, a bus pass that makes you walk half the way to reach your destination and a limited selection of clothing retailers to choose from, and you have quite the challenge on your perfectly manicured hands.

Luckily, the makers of iPeg have been there through the -50 degree blizzards, battling mountainous snow drifts in knee high boots and faux fur. They triumphed over sweat stains in the hottest, most humid nightclubs imaginable, remaining cool and dry in wispy mini dresses and wooden wedges. And come spring, they rocked a pair of rubber boots with dark, skinny jeans and a well-cut blazer.

Regardless of the season, or the insane weather Winnipeg throws your way, you can and will look good. Just follow the tried and tested iPeg guide to dressing for Winnipeg weather:

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